Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Inspector Calls Essay Thesis Example For Students
Controller Calls Essay Thesis By including the Inspector from the very beginning his essence is an enduring one and regardless of whether he is just noticeable toward the beginning of the play, at that point vanished, his quality would even now wait in the climate of the play. I might want to now advance a portion of my thoughts on the most proficient method to open your play. It might be conceivable to not have an Inspector in the play by any stretch of the imagination, he could be an article, an outline or only a voice. The crowd will watch the play eagerly attempting to select were the sound is originating from and by utilizing a decent encompass sound set up they would never pinpoint the sound, in this way making a ubiquitous impact. Likewise, as the play advances and the Birlings still, small voice is attacked more, the set could bit by bit become dimmer as the darker privileged insights are uncovered until at last the Birling house is totally dark, with the characters washed in a frightful red light, with the outside world a brilliant, cheerful spot. On the off chance that you did incorporate an Inspector figure, have you thought of how to depict it? It might be a lady and perhaps for more noteworthy impact, a dark or Asian lady. By having the last blend, a very far-fetched one at the time it could conquer numerous issues, for example, bigotry and sexism, which were across the board at that point. Individuals of an ethnic foundation living in England were probably going to be slaves, the embodiment of common laborers and ladies by and large had nothing to do with significant issues, so by having them in a condition of power it would have a moral effect. Another emotional way you may wish to organize the play is have the road outside a scene of misery, perhaps coming down and with a couple of individuals clustered together under a light post or other article. This would show the aggregate soul that the lower classes had. At that point as the play closures and all the insider facts have been told, the house could become forsaken and destroyed, similarly as the Birlings lives presently seem to be. The road could then change to a glad spot, with individuals talking and giggling and the Inspector leaving of the privilege of the stage grinning. The kid with the orange could then be called by somebody, perhaps a parent and educated that his sister is coming near. Contemplations of Eva Smith will be flying around the crowd as the window ornaments close. These are only a couple of the thoughts you could utilize however I will leave it to your own inventiveness. I trust my thoughts have been of some motivation and anticipate seeing your adaptation! Yours Sincerely J. B Priestley.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Pðul Krugmðns Fþr Richõr
Pð °ul Krugmð °ns Fð ¾r Richð µr Free Online Research Papers Th? study ?f th? p?litic?l ?c?n?my ?f ?m?ric? in th? r?c?nt yrs h?s br?ught ?b?ut c?ntr?dict?ry inf?r?nc?s, h?w?v?r ? c?mm?n thrd th?t wv?s thr?ugh th? p?litic?l ?c?n?mics lit?r?tur? is th?t th? rich ?r? g?tting rich?r f?st?r th?n th? pr ?r? g?tting rich?r. P?ul Krugm?n, pr?f?ss?r ?f ?c?n?mics ?t th? Univ?rsity ?f Princ?t?n ?nd th? m?st c?ntr?v?rsi?l p?litic?l ?c?n?mist in ?m?ric? during th?s? yrs, h?s ?ddr?ss?d this hyp?th?sis in ? h?st ?f ?rticl?s in his m?ny bks, n?wsp?p?r ?nd m?g?zin? ?rticl?s ?t ?l. In F?r Rich?r, th? first ?ss?y in ? N?w Y?rk Tim?s s?ri?s ?n cl?ss ?nd cl?ss w?rs in th? Unit?d St?t?s, P?ul Krugm?n invit?s th? rd?r’s ?tt?nti?n t? issu?s th?t th? lib?rt?ri?n ?c?n?mists ?ft?n ign?r? ?r f?il t? r?c?gniz? in th?ir disc?urs?s. H? pr?cl?ims th? dis?ppr?nc? ?f th? middl? cl?ss, illustr?t?s th? incrsing pr?bl?ms ?f inc?m? in?qu?lity ?nd plut?cr?cy, ?nd ?x?min?s th? ?ff?rts by ?c?n?mists ?s w?ll ?s g?v?rnm?nt instituti?ns t? c?ncl cl?ss c?mp?siti?n utilizing st?tistic?l d?t?. Th? moving p?r?digms ?f c?rp?r?t? ?x?cutiv? ?thics ?nd influ?nc? is y?t ?n?th?r t?pic discuss?d in th? ?ss?y. (Krugm?n, 2002) Whil? Krugm?n’s s?urc?s m?y b? limit?d ?nd ?v?n d?b?t?d, it p?ints t? c?rt?in ?ss?nti?l ?nd cruci?l s?ci?- p?litic?l ?nd ?c?n?mic issu?s pl?guing th? ?m?ric?n s?ci?ty. Th?t th? ?m?ric?ns ?r? pr?s?ntly living in ? n?w Gild?d ?g?, which is ?s ?xtr?v?g?nt ?s th? ?rigin?l, however with ? g?p b?twn th? v?ry rich ?nd th? r?st wid?ning f?st?r th?n ?v?r. Wh?t?v?r b? th? ?ll?g?ti?ns ?n P?ul Krugm?n, it is imp?rt?nt th?t th? issu?s ?r? ?ddr?ss?d ?nd ?ppr?pri?t? msur?s id?ntifi?d f?r th? citiz?ns ?nd g?v?rnm?nt t? ch?ng? th? troublesome st?t? ?f things. Krugm?n’s ?n?lysis ?nd ?d?m Smith’s C?nc?pts ?f S?lf-int?r?st ?nd â€Å" Invisibl? H?nd†?s Krugm?n’s ?bs?rv?ti?ns ?r? ?ss?nti?lly f?cus?d ?n th? individu?l’s grd ?nd s?lf-int?r?st in th? c?pit?list s?ci?ty th?t ?m?ric? is it accurate to say that it is, w?uld b? w?rthwhil? t? r?l?t? th?s? ?bs?rv?ti?ns with th?s? ?f ?d?m Smith, th? eighteenth c?ntury phil?s?ph?r ?c?n?mist wh? wr?t? Th? Wlth ?f N?ti?ns, ? t?ur d? f?rc? ?n th? thry ?f c?pit?lism intr?ducing th? c?nc?pt ?f th? â€Å"invisibl? h?nd†th?t lds c?pit?list s?ci?ti?s t? ?c?n?mic ?ffici?ncy. Whil? ?d?m Smith b?li?v?d grtly in th? characteristic w?rth ?f th? c?pit?lism ?nd s?- c?ll?d â€Å"invisibl? h?nd†?f th? m?rk?t, h? c?uld f?r?s th? s?lf-int?r?st?d b?h?vi?r ?f busin?ssm?n. ?cc?rding t? Smith, m?ximizing s?lf-int?r?st w?s ? ‘r?ti?n?l’ b?h?vi?r in ?c?n?mics. His ?ft?n qu?t?d ?bs?rv?ti?n fr?m Th? Wlth ?f N?ti?ns : ‘ppl? ?f th? s?m? tr?d? s?ld?m mt t?g?th?r, ?v?n f?r m?rrim?nt ?nd div?rsi?n, however th? c?nv?rs?ti?n ?nds in ? c?nspir?cy ?g?inst th? open, ?r in s?m? c? ntriv?nc? t? r?is? pric?s’ †infer th?t th? busin?ssm?n ?r? ?lw?ys c?nc?rn?d ?f m?king th?ms?lv?s rich?r, ?v?n if its by h?rming th?ir f?ll?w citiz?ns ?nd th?ir n?ti?n. P?ul Krugm?n’s ?bs?rv?ti?n ?n c?rp?r?t? ?x?cutiv? ?thics ?nd th? st?tistic?l d?t? th?t h? pr?s?nts ?n th? c?nc?ntr?ti?n ?f wlth in ? f?w h?nds in â€Å" F?r Rich?r†f?lls in lin? with ?d?m Smith’s d?scripti?n ?f th? c?pit?list syst?m, which is ?ss?nti?lly pr?p?ll?d by th? s?lf-int?r?st?d b?h?vi?r ?f th? busin?ssm?n. H?w?v?r, ? m?in ?rgum?nt in Th? Wlth ?f N?ti?ns is th?t th? fr c?pit?list m?rk?t, th?ugh smingly chtic ?nd unc?ntr?ll?d, is in rlity str?d t? pr?duc? th? right qu?ntity ?nd r?ng? ?f gds by ? s?- c?ll?d â€Å"invisibl? h?nd.†?cc?rding t? his thry, in th? ?v?nt ?f ? pr?duct sh?rt?g?, its pric? ris?s, which crt?s th? m?tiv?ti?n f?r its incrs?d pr?ducti?n, in this way restoring th? sh?rt?g? ultim?t?ly. Th? ‘invisibl? h?nd’ n?t ?nly guid?s pr?ducti?n, however ?ls? guid?s th? pric? ?f th? pr?duct in ? c?mp?titiv? c?pit?list syst?m. Th? incrs?d c?mp?titi?n ?m?ng m?nuf?ctur?rs ?nd th? incrs?d flexibly w?uld ?v?ntu?lly l?w?r th? pric? ?f th? pr?duct t? its pr?ducti?n c?st, which h? t?rm?d th? â€Å"n?tur?l pric?.†N?n?th?l?ss, Smith w?s c?uti?us ?f th? s?lf-int?r?st ?f busin?ssm?n ?nd insist?d ?g?inst th? f?rm?ti?n ?f m?n?p?li?s. Smith h?ld th?t whil? hum?n m?tiv?s ?r? ?ft?n s?lfish ?nd grdy, th? c?mp?titi?n in th? fr m?rk?t w?uld t?nd t? b?n?fit s?ci?ty ?s ? wh?l? ?nyw?y. Krugm?n’s ?n?lysis ?nd D? T?cqu?vill?’s ‘S?lf-Int?r?st Pr?p?rly Und?rstd’ ?l?xis d? T?cqu?vill? in his bk D?m?cr?cy in ?m?ric? ?ls? ?ddr?ss?d th? issu? ?f s?lf-int?r?st ?f ?m?ric?ns. H?w?v?r Krugm?n’s ?bs?rv?ti?ns diff?r signific?ntly fr?m T?cqu?vill?’s c?nc?pt ?f ‘s?lf int?r?st pr?p?rly und?rstd. T?cqu?vill? d?scrib?d ?m?ric? ?s ? c?mmunity ?f gd S?m?rit?ns, with ppl? p?rsist?ntly h?lping ?n? ?n?th?r. H? ?xpl?ins h?w ?m?ric?ns h?d ?n inn?t? gr?sp ?f th? c?nc?pt ?f ?nlight?n?d s?lf-int?r?st: â€Å"Th? ?m?ric?ns ?nj?y ?xpl?ining ?lm?st ?v?ry ?ct ?f th?ir liv?s ?n th? principl? ?f s?lf-int?r?st pr?p?rly und?rstd.†H? c?ntinu?s t? s?y â€Å"?nlight?n?d s?lf-l?v? c?ntinu?lly lds th?m t? h?lp ?n? ?n?th?r ?nd inclin?s th?m t? d?v?t? frly ? p?rt ?f th?ir tim? ?nd wlthy t? th? w?lf?r? ?f th? st?t?.†(T?cqu?vill?, 1840; pg. 611) T?cqu?vill?’s principl? ?f s?lf-int?r?st pr?p?rly und?rstd sms t? b? in lin? with th? pr?- 1970s ?m?ric? pr?s?nt?d by Krugm?n; it’s h?rd t? ?ss?ci?t? th? s?lf â€int?r?st ?f m?d?rn c?rp?r?t? ?x?cutiv?s r?p?rt?d by Krugm?n with T?cqu?vill?’s c?nc?pt ?f s?lf int?r?st. Krugm?n’s ?bs?rv?ti?ns sms in lin? with th?t ?f ?d?m Smith, in th?t h? ?ttribut?s th? ?c?n?mic ?chi?v?m?nts ?f th? Unit?d St?t?s t? th? c?nc?ntr?ti?n ?f inc?m? ?t th? t?p, typic?l ?f fr m?rk?t syst?m, h?w?v?r his hyp?th?s?s gs b?y?nd th? â€Å"invisibl? h?nds†?f th? m?rk?t th?t Smith c?nsid?r?d w?uld b?n?fit th? s?ci?ty. Krugm?n c?nsid?rs th? c?nc?ntr?ti?n ?f wlth ?n th? t?p ?s th? m?in rs?n th?t th? Unit?d St?t?s h?s m?r? p?v?rty ?nd l?w?r lif? ?xp?ct?ncy th?n ?ny ?th?r m?j?r ?dv?nc?d n?ti?n. Th?ugh h? c?nsid?rs th? hyp?th?sis ?f th? ?ff?cts ?f â€Å"gl?b?liz?ti?n†, â€Å"skill-bi?s?d t?chn?l?gic?l ch?ng?,†?nd â€Å"sup?rst?r†thry, h? c?nclud?s th?t ?xpl?n?ti?ns f?r th? gr?wing in?qu?liti?s ultim?t?ly t? th? â€Å"r?l? ?f s?ci?l n?rms in s?tting limits t? in?qu?lity.†(Krugm?n, 2002) P?ul Krugm?n’s vi?ws in ? w?y c?nfirm ?d?m Smith’s c?uti?n ?f th? grd ?f th? busin?ssm?n, h?w?v?r h? f?ils t? id?ntify th? invisibl? h?nd th?t w?uld guid? th? s?lf-int?r?st t?w?rds th? b?n?fit ?f th? s?ci?ty. Whil? h? ?ss?nti?lly sms t? ?gr with ?d?m Smith’s n?ti?n th?t individu?l’s s?lf int?r?st may indir?ctly pr?m?t? th? int?r?st ?f th? s?ci?ty, h? sugg?sts th? pr?lif?r?ti?n ?f gl?b?l tr?d? ?nd gl?b?liz?ti?n ?f busin?ss, th? ?m?rg?nc? ?f th? n?w ?c?n?my c?upl?d with th? ?bs?nc? ?f s?ci?l n?rms h?v? incrsing sid?lin?d th? ‘invisibl? h?nd’. Krugm?n’s ?ss?y ?ss?nti?lly p?int t? th? nd f?r g?v?rnm?nt?l c?ntr?l by crting ?ff?ctiv? l?ws ?nd th? r?instituti?n ?f ?thic?l n?rms in th? c?rp?r?t? w?rld, s? th?t ?d?m Smith’s m?gic?l â€Å"invisibl? h?nd†will guid? busin?ss?s in th? right dir?cti?n. Th?n c?rp?r?ti?ns ?nd ?x?cutiv?s , whil? attempting t? m?k? th?ms?lv?s rich?r, will wrap up d?ing things th?t ?r? gd f?r th? wh?l? s?ci ?ty. Research Papers on Pð °ul Krugmð °n’s â€Å"Fà ¾r Richð µr†19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraLifes What IfsStandardized TestingComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductQuebec and CanadaAssess the significance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeTwilight of the UAWThe Project Managment Office SystemDefinition of Export Quotas
Saturday, August 1, 2020
Two Books I Revisit and Recommend Every Year
Two Books I Revisit and Recommend Every Year Revisiting Books Is A Low Priority As my TBR pile grows with each fleeting moment, I’ve come to realize that one pass through a text is all I crave. As friends invite me to rediscover Harry Potter year after year, I never follow through. My Goodreads account has a to be reread list and I ignore that shelf completely. I decline rereads without (formally) declining them and never look back. I know this may sound like a dig at some but it is uncommon for me to revisit a book. Besides children’s picture books for my kids, there are very few exceptions to this reread rule. Then, in 2015, something magical happened. For the past 3 years, I found two books that I revisit and recommend as one of my yearly rituals. I can’t be sure if it happens at the same time every year, but like clockwork, these books became a way to make it through tough times. With a shared theme of compassion, these two essays remind me to step back and give life a second look. We Should All Be Feminists by Chimamanda Adichie This perfect introduction to feminism inspired one country to give a copy to every 16-year-old in 2015. Part personal history, part instruction manual, Adichie narrates how misogyny negatively affects us and how feminism can save the world. It has especially become necessary for me to hear as we continue through the dumpster fire that is the constant assault on reproductive health. Adichie also reminds us that our tiny identity boxes hurt men as well as women when we narrow ideas down to masculine or feminine. I use it as a constant reminder of a way to improve humanity, and recommend it whenever someone needs a feminist boost. This Is Water: Some Thoughts, Delivered on a Significant Occasion, about Living a Compassionate Life by David Foster Wallace Far from his Infinite Jest tome, This is Water recounts how the mundane is usually what life is all about. We forget that our own consciousness isn’t the center of the universe, and Wallaces speech breaks down what our Liberal Arts degrees are truly worth. His grocery store example has stayed with me since the first read, warning that quoting Heidegger isn’t what makes me (or you) a good person. All you need is to exchange kind words and deeds. It doesn’t hurt that this short book is funny and makes living compassionately seem like a no-brainer. You’ll feel rejuvenated in less time than your average commute. What are the books you recommend most often?
Friday, May 22, 2020
The Key Elements Of A Good Relationship - 2262 Words
One of the key elements to a good relationship is communication. One of the main strengths of my relationship with Adam is how well we communicate. If something is bothering me I will not hesitate to tell Adam what I am feeling. He never gets upset with me. We have never had a fight. In fact, we resolve conflict by communicating calmly and rationally. During our conversations Adam listens intently to me and is very understanding and vice versa. We use a lot of confirming responses when we listen to each other. We directly acknowledge, reinforce, support and clarify a lot of our ideas. If I show distaste for something he does or if he does something wrong, he always tries to correct his actions. We are open with our feelings with each other and according to communication theories, if self-disclosure is reciprocated; the more likely a relationship is to become prosperous. We also both highly respect each other and our opinions. Next, A Strength that we have is that we are both fully a ccepting of each other. We accept all of our flaws and strengths and we do not try to change one another. Another reason our relationship is positive is that although we are interdependent, we do not let each other define who we are. We still maintain some autonomy as individuals and are capable of doing things on our own. Overall, we are both satisfied with the level of affection and time we spend together. Although we share a wonderful relationship, there are some negative aspects involved.Show MoreRelatedcounselling theory essay1690 Words  | 7 PagesCounselling Skills Theories Theory Essay Written Introduction In this essay I will describe key elements of Psychodynamic theory, Person-Centred theory and Cognitive-Behavioural theory. I will also identify the key differences between the above theories. I shall also describe how counselling theory underpins the use of counselling skills in practise. 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Sunday, May 10, 2020
Fruition A Long Journey Accomplished - 1476 Words
Bringing this dissertation to fruition was a long journey accomplished only because of the contributed efforts of many. I thank my committeeâ€â€Vance Holliday, Jay Quade, Vic Baker, Barbara Mills, and Jeff Deanâ€â€for all their help, guidance, and encouragement. I feel lucky to have worked under the supervision of such an eminent group of researchers. I especially appreciate my advisor Vance Holliday, who was supportive of my decision to pursue an independent and initially unfunded project. This research was funded by a handful of sources, including the National Science Foundation (NSF Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant #1041950; IGERT Fellowship in Archaeological Science [University of Arizona]); the Geological Society of America†¦show more content†¦Similarly, Steve Hall was a steady source of help and encouragement, especially in regard to interpreting Holocene deposits in New Mexico. Karen Adams and Susie Smith were wonderful resources on the botanical side of things. Conception of this research resulted from the convergence of a handful of important influences over the years. Alfred Bodtke encouraged my childhood rockhounding, even inviting me into his home to teach me lapidary work. My undergraduate mentor, D.L. True, inspired a fascination with Southwest prehistory, and Debbie Elliott-Fisk introduced me to Quaternary geology. During my master’s thesis work, Vance Haynes instilled the importance of meticulous chronometric control and fieldwork , and Bill Bull’s enthusiasm about climatic geomorphology was contagious. Finally, Carla Van West, Ed Huber, and Jeff Homburg introduced me to the Carrizo Wash area as part of a contract archaeology project. Obtaining permits for conducting fieldwork required navigating governmental bureaucracy, and Brenda Wilkinson (BLM), Dave Simons (BLM), and David Eck (NM State Land Office) provided invaluable help getting through the required process and paperwork. Spending extended periods of time in the field was unequivocably the most enjoyable part of my dissertation work. Our chow mix Zoi was an enthusiastic field hand, and she kept me safe and
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
A Central Theme or Motif in the Play Othello, Is Jealousy Free Essays
Jealousy is the central theme in the play â€Å"Othello†by William Shakespeare. It is the most famous literary work that focuses on the dangers of jealousy. The play is a study of how jealousy can ruin lives – even with only the most circumstantial evidence of guilt. We will write a custom essay sample on A Central Theme or Motif in the Play Othello, Is Jealousy or any similar topic only for you Order Now The play opens in Venice and revolves mainly around a man called Othello. It’s his actions and thoughts which makes the play interesting and suspenseful. Themes such as love, jealousy, betrayal, honesty and vengeance are all important and widely portrayed throughout the play. However, as we venture into the play and the character Othello, we will realise that jealousy is ultimately the most important theme of them all. It is the fundamental element that fuels the characters and evidently crafted the play into how it is today. From the beginning of the play, we clearly see the jealousy in Iago. This is seen with his dejection at being passed over for promotion to be Othello’s lieutenant. Cassio, the â€Å"bean counter†, got the job instead of Iago the experienced soldier. He just has to accept his loss. But, of course, he does not, and that becomes the driving force of the play. His strategy of dealing with loss is to strike back with vengeance and deception against Othello, who has humiliated him by passing over him for promotion. He stays close to Othello, acting as his best friend when he is actually deceiving Othello, â€Å"I am not what I am†. He is out to get back at Othello and he does this by creating an evil plan against him. Othello is in love with Desdemona and secretly marries her. He loves her and is willing to do anything for her. However, he is blinded by this love and allows jealousy to ruin their relationship. Jealousy is so destructive and has rendered Othello to become so vulnerable to the evil schemes by Iago. Iago uses Desdemona in his plan, and succeeds greatly. Iago’s plan begins as he openly executes his plan of destruction, which incorporates jealousy as the key factor. He intends to create a strong sense of jealousy in Othello by setting up the mirage of an affair between Desdemona and Cassio. Othello is a simple man. He has never dealt with a situation like this before. As a result, he had very extreme reactions because of his jealousy. However, Othello’s jealousy has not developed and still doubts their affair. Therefore no extreme actions have been committed yet. The quote â€Å"Away at once with love or jealousy! †by Othello allows us to understand that he still has faith in Desdemona and does not believe she is cheating on him. However, Iago continues to feed Othello with rumors of the affair. His persistency and Othello’s vulnerability has caused a rapid development of jealousy in him. By the quote â€Å"I like not that†, we can see that it is the turning point for Othello – he begins to lean towards Iago’s interpretation of the truth. In doing so, Othello falls into the trap and tells Iago that he wants Cassio and Desdemona dead. His love for Desdemona is so strong and yet jealousy overpowers him. Iago realises that although he does not have proof of the affair, he is still able to cause harm â€Å"As proofs of holy writ: this may do something†. From this we realise how obstinate Othello is. Jealousy has made him lose his ability to reason or think logically. In fact, Iago has been so successful with his plan that he was able to put Othello into a state of madness. He even loses control of his body and Iago explains it as epileptic seizures. At the end of the play, after Othello smothers Desdemona to death, it is brought to his attention that he was set up by Iago. In horror, he realizes his mistake. Just before his suicide, Othello explains that all will have to refer to him as â€Å"one that loved not wisely but too well†. His lack of experience brought upon his ruin. Jealousy is described throughout the play as a monstrous emotion or more specifically, a â€Å"green-eyed monster†. This becomes increasingly more destructive and intense. However, it’s at the end of the play that Othello commits extreme actions because his jealousy has caused him to believe everything is true. Jealousy here is harnessed as a weapon, a weapon made so lethal because its victim ultimately destroys himself and others around him. It is interesting that Iago uses jealousy against Othello, as jealousy is likely the source of Iago’s hatred in the first place. In Othello, jealousy takes many forms, from sexual suspicion to professional competition, but it is, in all cases, destructive. However, this jealousy was not originally prominent Othello, but was rather developed through Iago’s numerous plans of destruction, which is understood through Othello’s change in personality and actions taken. By studying the text â€Å"Othello†by William Shakespeare, we are able to understand that jealousy is a powerful emotion, one that can destroy relationships, and consume the mind. Whether sexual or platonic, once the seed of jealousy is planted it can lead to devastating consequences, as seen in the play. Jealousy can easily turn into anger, and overwhelm it’s victim making them obsessed with the notion. In the play Othello, many of the characters fall victim to jealousy, causing them to commit acts outside of their normal persona. Othello was the victim in the play, and was miserably destroyed by his uncontrollable jealously. Out of all the characters in this play, it’s obvious that jealousy was what ruined Othello. Jealousy had the most profound effect on him and in the end, destroyed his relationship with Desdemona, and himself. In doing so, I believe that jealousy is the central theme in the play. How to cite A Central Theme or Motif in the Play Othello, Is Jealousy, Essay examples
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Jacob Banks Essays (300 words) - United States,
Jacob Banks Jackson U.S 2 2/7/17 The New Deal may have been one of, if not the greatest solutions in American history. Roosevelt's plan made it clear to people that their government would and will protect them from drastic market crashes. Many believed the government's role in American society helped the country's long term structure. Some believe we should allow the free market decide, if it crashes and you're put down because of it you deserve to starve. To this day many people still disagree on what Roosevelt did and it remains a political controversy, however there can be no denying the vast amount of change brought by Roosevelt's presidency. When it came to rebuilding the country the New Deal's efficiency stalled. It was definitely successful in both short and long term structural repair. However, not every political figure agreed with Roosevelt's plan, many of Roosevelt's political blockades fought him tooth and nail, because of this the New Deal failed to end the Great Depression. Through the 1930s unemployment was extensively high, while economic growth remained slow. In Roosevelt's third term, when the demands of a work force for World War II finally restored the country to full employment, the New Deal had finally achieved its goal of hoisting America back up onto its feet, and ready to fight. Meaning, ironically, Hitler technically was the man to save America. Still, the New Deal changed the country forever. Roosevelt built his government up with strong democratic representatives, representatives that lasted for roughly half a century. The stability and social security provided by the New Deal allowed a postwar economic boom that some consider to be the Golden Age of the United States. Roosevelt permanently stayed in the hearts of his people and raised the expectation of presidents to follow for years to come.
Friday, March 20, 2020
Gusta Vassa essays
Gusta Vassa essays In a vivid recount of his travels as a slave, Gustavus Vassa enlightens us to the details of a world in which people are bought and sold as property. In his stories we can see how he interpreted his own experiences and we can also get some clues as to the nature of his character. From the very begining Vassa shows us just how much of the sights he takes in. He demonstrates this to us through his thorough descriptions of not only the people and places around him, but also by presenting us with the essence of the experience; the smells, the tastes, the horrors, the pleasentries. He seems at first to be in utter awe of the surroundings wheere we picked up. And as the exerpt contiues, he relates every experience with the appriciation of a humble man, one who takes full advantage of the opportunities he is recieved. Furthermore, all of his writings are relatively unbiased. He seems not to be looking to avenge or blame nessecarily, but to somehow find a reasoning behind the cruelty that exists. "One told me that he had sold 41,000 negroes, and that he once cut of a negro man's leg for running away. I asked him if the man had died in the operation, how he, as a Christian, could answer for the horrid act before God? and he told me... that his scheme had the desired effect-it cured that man and some others of running away." His overall interpretation is that of a highly spiritual man. His character follows that same line of a very spiritual man. He showed us how he valued kindness, justice, and fairness. He seemed to feel that even if slavery did exist, there was a way to handle it ina humane manner where all could get along. One unfortunate situation need not spawn worse. " This neglect certainly conspires with many others to cause a decrease in the births as well as in the lives of the grown negroes. I can quote many instances of gentlemen who reside on their estates in the West Indies, and then the scene is ...
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
F-86 Sabre - Korean War Fighter
F-86 Sabre - Korean War Fighter Designed by Edgar Schmued at North American Aviation, the F-86 Sabre was an evolution of the companys FJ Fury design. Conceived for the US Navy, the Fury possessed a straight wing and first flew in 1946. Incorporating a swept wing and other changes, Schmueds XP-86 prototype first took to the skies the following year. The F-86 was designed in answer to the US Air Forces need for a high altitude, day fighter/escort/interceptor. While design began during World War II, the aircraft did enter production until after the conflict. Flight Testing During flight testing, it is believed that the F-86 became the first plane to break the sound barrier while in a dive. This occurred two weeks before Chuck Yeagers historic flight in the X-1. As it was in a dive and the speed was not accurately measured, the record was not officially recognized. The aircraft first officially broke the sound barrier on April 26, 1948. On May 18, 1953, Jackie Cochran became the first woman to break the sound barrier while flying an F-86E. Built in the US by North American, the Sabre was also built under license by Canadair, with a total production run of 5,500. Korean War The F-86 entered service in 1949, with the Strategic Air Commands 22nd Bomb Wing, 1st Fighter Wing, and 1st Fighter Interceptor Wing. In November 1950, the Soviet-built MiG-15 first appeared over the skies of Korea. Vastly superior to every United Nations aircraft then in use in the Korean War, the MiG forced the US Air Force to rush three squadrons of F-86s to Korea. Upon arriving, US pilots achieved a high level of success against the MiG. This was largely due to experience as many of the US pilots were World War II veterans whereas their North Korean and Chinese adversaries were relatively raw. American success was less pronounced when F-86s encountered MiGs flown by Soviet pilots. In comparison, the F-86 could out dive and out turn the MiG, but was inferior in rate of climb, ceiling, and acceleration. Nevertheless, the F-86 soon became the iconic American aircraft of the conflict and all but one US Air Force ace achieved that status flying the Sabre. The most famous engagements involving the F-86 occurred over northwestern North Korea in an area known a MiG Alley. In this area, Sabres and MiGs frequently duelled, making it the birthplace of jet vs. jet aerial combat. After the war, the US Air Force claimed a kill ratio of around 10 to 1 for MiG-Sabre battles. Recent research has challenged this and suggested that the ratio was much lower. In the years after the war, the F-86 was retired from frontline squadrons as the Century Series fighters, such as the F-100, F-102, and F-106, started to arrive. Overseas While the F-86 ceased to be a frontline fighter for the US, it was exported heavily and saw service with over thirty foreign air forces. The first foreign combat use of the aircraft came during the 1958 Taiwan Straight Crisis. Flying combat air patrol over the disputed islands of Quemoy and Matsu, Republic of China Air Force (Taiwan) pilots compiled an impressive record against their MiG-equipped Communist Chinese foes. The F-86 also saw service with the Pakistani Air Force during both the 1965 and 1971 Indo-Pakistani Wars. After thirty-one years of service, the final F-86s were retired by Portugal in 1980. Selected Sources US Air Force: F-86 SabreGlobal Security: F-86 SabreBoeing: F-86 Sabre
Monday, February 17, 2020
Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 5
Review - Essay Example First, we can see a lot of characters in this movie like Captain Jack Sparrow, William Turner, Elizabeth Swann, Captain Sao Feng, Hector Barbossa, and Davy Jones. Captain Jack Sparrow is the captain of the Black Pearl ship and the most notorious pirate on the ocean. Captain Jack Sparrow has the sense of humor that none of the other pirates have. Also, the Black Pearl is the most famous ship on the ocean, and all of the pirates, as well as many in the Royal Navy, know about this ship because it has the most dangerous pirates in the whole world aboard it. The second main character in the movie was William Turner, the brave blacksmith-turned-pirate in town, who always helped the weak and the poor people when he can. William Turner was the hero in this movie. The third character is Elizabeth Swann, the beautiful governor’s daughter, who ends up marrying William Turner by the end of this film. Elizabeth has helped William out of a lot of situations, and she also saves him from death many times. However, her love for him causes him to die at the end of this film, though a sudden plot twist brings him back. The fourth character is Captain Sao Feng. Sao Feng was the Pirate Lord of the South China Sea until his death during the third film. He was bold man, albeit a bit immoral. He has a very weird body and a scary face that makes you scream when you first see it. The fifth character is Captain Hector Barbossa, who is the Pirate Lord of the Sea. He seemed to have an apple addiction, which was an interesting characteristic for a rum-soaked pirate. Barbossa has a monkey named Jack; this monkey travels with him all the time and seemed to have taken the place of a potential son. The last important character is Davy Jones. Davy Jones was born in Scotland; very little else is known about his youth and childhood. He fell in love with Calypso, the Goddess of the sea, many years ago. It was Calypso
Monday, February 3, 2020
Palm Oil in South East Asia Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Palm Oil in South East Asia - Research Paper Example In addition, many of these smallholder palm oil producers are not well educated, due to which they lack skills and techniques of conducting business activities, efficiently. These two reasons has been the core element that causes lack of efficiency in the production of palm oil in the country. Moreover, limited production of palm oil by these smallholders also put deep impact on the overall production of palm oil by Indonesia. In this way, resources are heavily wasted by the producers, which can easily be utilized for earning precious foreign reserve for the country (World Growth, 2011). The government of Indonesia has realized the importance of wasted resources in palm oil industry and has stepped forward to overcome the loss of precious natural resource. Government, in collaboration with large scale palm oil producers, is hiring experts and technicians to provide assistance to the smallholders. Also, the government is spending heavily on conducting research and development of palm seed, fertilizers and pesticides to ensure maximum output. These seeds, fertilizers and pesticides are provided to smallholders on subsidized prices, which make it possible for every smallholder to afford better options for cultivating and harvesting palm oil. To further facilitate the smallholders, Government has introduced several schemes such as RISDA, FELCRA and FELDA. All these schemes focus on land reforms, land resettlement and rehabilitation of smallholders. Moreover, these schemes also aim at educating the smallholder palm oil producers about the potential of greater production that their lands can deliver. These measures, along with other measures that are not discussed in this report, by the Indonesian government are designed keeping in view the necessity for developing businesses and industries sustainably. Since the intervention of Indonesian government in
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Democratic Leadership Or Participative Leadership
Democratic Leadership Or Participative Leadership The activity of leading a group of people or an organization, or the ability to do this.In its essence, leadership in an organizational role involves establishing a clear vision, sharing that vision with others so that they will follow willingly,  providing the information, knowledge, and methods to realize that vision, and coordinating and balancing the conflicting interests of all members or stakeholders. A leader comes to the forefront in case of crisis, and is able to think and act in creative ways in difficult situations. Unlike management, leadership flows from the core of a personality and cannot be taught, although it may be learned and may be enhanced through coaching or mentoring Most common qualities of leadership is seen in leaders are:- Autocratic leadership. Bureaucratic leadership. Charismatic leadership. Democratic leadership or participative leadership. Laissez-faire leadership. People-oriented leadership or relations-oriented leadership. Servant leadership. Task-oriented leadership. Transactional leadership. Transformational leadership. Autocratic Leadership Autocratic leadership is an extreme form of transactional leadership, where a leader exerts high levels of power over his or her employees or team members. People within the team are given few opportunities for making suggestions, even if these would be in the teams or organizations interest. Most people tend to resent being treated like this. Because of this, autocratic leadership usually leads to high levels of absenteeism and staff turnover. Also, the teams output does not benefit from the creativity and experience of all team members, so many of the benefits of teamwork are lost. For some routine and unskilled jobs, however, this style can remain effective where the advantages of control outweigh the disadvantages. Learn more Democratic Leadership or Participative Leadership Although a democratic leader will make the final decision, he or she invites other members of the team to contribute to the decision-making process. This not only increases job satisfaction by involving employees or team members in whats going on, but it also helps to develop peoples skills. Employees and team members feel in control of their own destiny, and so are motivated to work hard by more than just a financial reward. As participation takes time, this style can lead to things happening more slowly than an autocratic approach, but often the end result is better. It can be most suitable where team working is essential, and quality is more important than speed to market or productivity. Learn more Transactional Leadership This style of leadership starts with the premise that team members agree to obey their leader totally when they take a job on: the transaction is (usually) that the organization pays the team members, in return for their effort and compliance. As such, the leader has the right to punish team members if their work doesnt meet the pre-determined standard. Team members can do little to improve their job satisfaction under transactional leadership. The leader could give team members some control of their income/reward by using incentives that encourage even higher standards or greater productivity. Alternatively a transactional leader could practice management by exception, whereby, rather than rewarding better work, he or she would take corrective action if the required standards were not met. Transactional leadership is really just a way of managing rather a true leadership style, as the focus is on short-term tasks. It has serious limitations for knowledge-based or creative work, but remains a common style in many organizations. Transformational Leadership A person with this leadership style is a true leader who inspires his or her team with a shared vision of the future. Transformational leaders are highly visible, and spend a lot of time communicating. They dont necessarily lead from the front, as they tend to delegate responsibility amongst their teams. While their enthusiasm is often infectious, they can need to be supported by detail people. In many organizations, both transactional and transformational leadership are needed. The transactional leaders (or managers) ensure that routine work is done reliably, while the transformational leaders look after initiatives that add value. The transformational leadership style is the dominant leadership style taught in the How to Lead: Discover the Leader Within You leadership program, although we do recommend that other styles are brought as the situation demands. Using the Right Style Situational Leadership While the Transformation Leadership approach is often highly effective, there is no one right way to lead or manage that suits all situations. To choose the most effective approach for you, you must consider: The skill levels and experience of the members of your team. The work involved (routine or new and creative). The organizational environment (stable or radically changing, conservative or adventurous). You own preferred or natural style. A good leader will find him or herself switching instinctively between styles according to the people and work they are dealing with. This is often referred to as situational leadership. For example, the manager of a small factory trains new machine operatives using a bureaucratic style to ensure operatives know the procedures that achieve the right standards of product quality and workplace safety. The same manager may adopt a more participative style of leadership when working on production line improvement with his or her team of supervisors Comparison of leaders and their styles Compare and Contrast Two Business LeadersLi Ka-shing and Bill Gates  Due to tremendous disparities in historical background and civilization between Chinese and Western countries, there exist remarkable differences between Chinese and Western business leaders. However, both of them still have similarities. This essay will take Li Ka-shing and Bill Gates as representatives to illustrate the differences and similarities between Chinese and Western business leaders.One obvious difference is background. As the most wealthy and successful businessman in Asia, Li had a miserable childhood. In order to escape the war, Lis family had to flee to Hong Kong when he was 12-year-old. Growing up in arduous circumstances, Li had to make a livelihood at the age of 14. In contrast, as the Worlds richest person, Gates was born in a better family with a lawyer father and a teacher mother. He received a decent education and started programming computer at the age of 13. Other difference comes from business scope. Lis business develops into a large amount of areas, including plastics manufacturing, real estate, ports facilities, telecommunications, et cetera. While on the other hand, Gates is taking the leading role in the IT sector. Despite the differences in background and business scope, Li and Gates share several similarities. Firstly, both of them commit to philanthropy. It was reported that Li had contributed more than $450 million to support the development of educational undertakings and medical care such as building hospitals and colleges (Investing Value, n.d.). Correspondingly, Gates set up a foundation-The Bill and Melinda Gate Foundation-to facilitate philanthropy, covering health care, educational investment and the development of information industry. Secondly, both of them make a great achievement. According to statistics, Lis conglomerates have been a worldwide with representation in 40 countries (Investing Value, n.d.). Likewise, Gates. Bibliography edit, v. (Ret Mar 2007). leadership toolbox. Retrieved from wwww.leadershiptoolbox.com Nwlink. (2010). nwlink.com. Retrieved from www.nwlink.com/donclark/leader various. (Ret. 2009). sample assignments. Retrieved from powerfulleaders.com: www.powerfulleaders.com/sampleassignments/management.html https://www.studymode.com/join.php Essay 2 Leadership and Cultural Awareness:- Cultural awareness refers to understanding the differences between human communities based on their ideologies, values, beliefs, norms, customs, meanings and ways of life. By increasing cultural awareness leaders interacting with diverse populations will develop greater sensitivity to culture, diversity and multicultural societies. You will also improve your capability to understand, and relate to a diverse range of people in an ethical, effective, and collaborative way. Cultural Awareness can: Promote leadership development through reflection, understanding, and learning Reduce conflict through a heightened understanding of culture Enhance self confidence in dealing with diversity Build coping skills for dealing with negative emotions Reduce individual stress by promoting understanding and acceptance. Promote ethical practices by providing support and facilitating awareness MAKING DIVERSITY AN EVERYDAY REALITY IN YOUR WORKPLACE A Global Study in Diversity and Cultural Awareness developed with a learning objective to heighten awareness of how cultural, ethnic, gender and religious backgrounds can influence personal and professional identity, attitudes and behavior. The deeper impact of diversity has little to do with our physical appearances. It is our uniqueness that bridges the gap between our differences and the acceptance that as human beings we are all very deeply connected. In todays workplace people from many cultures and varied ethnicities must function well together, working as a team to accomplish the goals and represent the core values defined by your organization. Purpose Plans definition of diversity addresses much more than the standard cultural, ethnicity, gender and age considerations. To reach the pinnacle requires respect, understanding and appreciation of others unique characteristics. High performing teams are a result of self awareness, successful exploration and understanding of personality types and work styles, implementation of organizational dynamics and leadership development. New Zealand can move beyond the cultural awareness of the other to exploring ways of being diverse through acceptance rather than resistance of difference. Leadership and diversity must include ways to assist us as New Zealanders in social cohesion. It is much more than good behavior, or tolerance, a sort of good behavior of silent suffering in public, or understanding which implies that if you learn enough it will mask our own prejudices. No one is prejudice free. Its about reaching into the very way we perceive our society and seeing that diversity is a part of it, rather than a resistance for its inclusion. Its about ensuring that we must become a participatory democracy for all. Good leadership includes teaching in a not very diverse country, the language, the words and phrases, to speak about our own prejudices, to critically analyze our assumptions and expectations about new migrants and refugees into this country. We need to see who makes up the in-out groups of our society. We need to get beyond the solution of employing one ethnic person to solve all the cultural issues of that group. Working towards a deeper understanding of, or relationship with a community requires more than an expansion of thinking, or some creative thinking. It needs spaces at a number of different levels, each a site of conversation that will enable minority voices to be heard at the appropriate volume and representation. It means looking not just at the gains of culturally diverse conversations, but at the organizational structure and determination to share resources. The Treaty of Waitangi The Treaty of Waitangi (Maori: Trite o Waitangi) is a treaty first signed on 6 February 1840 by representatives of the British Crown and various Maori chiefs from the North Island of New Zealand. The Treaty established a British Governor of New Zealand, recognized Maori ownership of their lands and other properties, and gave the Maori the rights of British subjects. The English and Maori versions of the Treaty differed significantly, so there is no consensus as to exactly what was agreed to. From the British point of view, the Treaty gave Britain sovereignty over New Zealand, and gave the Governor the right to govern the country. Maori believed they ceded to the Crown a right of governance in return for protection, without giving up their authority to manage their own affairs. After the initial signing at Waitangi, copies of the Treaty were taken around New Zealand and over the following months many other chiefs signed. In total there are nine copies of the Treaty of Waitangi including the original signed on 6 February 1840. Around 500 chiefs, including at least 13 females, signed the Treaty of Waitangi Until the 1970s, the Treaty was generally ignored by both the courts and parliament, although it was usually depicted in New Zealand history as a generous act on the part of the Crown. Maori have looked to the Treaty for rights and remedies for land loss and unequal treatment by the state, with mixed success. From the late 1960s Maori began drawing attention to breaches of the Treaty, and subsequent histories have emphasized problems with its translation. In 1975, the Waitangi Tribunal was established as a permanent commission of inquiry tasked with researching breaches of the Treaty by the Crown or its agents, and suggesting means of redress. Today it is generally considered the founding document of New Zealand as a nation. Despite this, the Treaty is often the subject of heated debate, and much disagreement by both Maori and non-Maori New Zealanders. Many Maori feel that the Crown did not fulfill its obligations under the Treaty, and have presented evidence of this before sittings of the Tribunal. Some non-Maori New Zealanders have suggested that Maori may be abusing the Treaty in order to claim special privileges. The Crown, in most cases, is not obliged to act on the recommendations of the Tribunal but nonetheless in many instances has accepted that it breached the Treaty and its principles. Settlements to date have consisted of hundreds of millions of dollars of reparations in cash and assets, as well as apologies. This is the better example for leader, when they working in an environment where they have to lead people from different cultures. New Zealand business leaders also ready to aware this type of cross cultural communications to avoid confusions and misunderstandings. (Brookfield F. , 1999) Bibliography Brookfield, F. (. (1999). Waitangi and Indigenous Rights. Auckland Univercity. Brookfield, F. (1999). republic.org. Retrieved from www.republic.org.nz/treatyofwaitangi http://www.anewnz.org.nz/vision.asp?id=137 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Waitangi http://www.logosnoesis.com/Leaders/Cultural_Awareness Essay 3 Influences on Leadership There can be no leadership without influence, because influencing is how leaders lead. In their classic book on leadership, Leaders: Strategies for Taking Charge, Warren Bennis and Burt Nanus echo this point: There is a profound difference between management and leadership, they wrote, and both are important. To manage means to bring about, to accomplish, to have charge of or responsibility for, to conduct. Leading is influencing, guiding in direction, course, action, opinion.' They add that an essential factor in leadership is the capacity to influence. Leaders lead by mobilizing people around a compelling vision of the future, by inspiring them to follow in the leaders footsteps. They show people whats possible and motivate them to make those possibilities real. They energize and focus people in ways that fulfill their dreams, give them a sense of purpose, and leave them with a profound sense of accomplishment when the work is done. Leaders lead by modeling ways of thinking or acting and by encouraging new ways of looking at situations, and by so doing they give people the words and the courage to make those new ways their own. The best leaders are teachers, mentors, and role modelsand they accomplish the vast majority of their work through influence, not authority. In many cases, leaders and managers are one in the same. The division vice president who leads a team of people to accomplish what they might not have thought possible is also a manager. The manager who oversees a teams task performance but also looks after the team members career planning and coaches them on developing their skills is also a leader. The art of management and leadership is to know when to act as a manager and when to act as a leader, when to use authority and when to use influence, when to ask and when to tell, when to take over and when to let go. In every case, it is crucial for leaders and managers to understand the range of influence techniques they can use, know when and how to use them, build their power bases so that they have the capacity to be influential, and sharpen their skills so that they can influence people effectively. Business Leader: bill gates Bill Gates is cofounder, chairman and chief software architect of Microsoft, the most successful software company in the world, renowned for making software that is powerful and innovative while still being user friendly. Microsoft now employs more than 55,000 people in 85 countries. William H Gates III commonly known as Bill Gates was born on 28th October 1955 and raised in Seattle along with his two sisters. Bill became interested in programming at an early age while attending one of Seattles most exclusive schools. Gates soon befriended a student named Paul Allen and together using the schools minicomputer they practiced their skills. They turned to a computing company, in exchange for free use of a more powerful computer they searched for bugs in the computers system while also learning new languages. Bill went on to Harvard University and while there teamed up with Paul to write a new version of Basic programming language for the first personnel computer the Altair 8800. The company was impressed with Gates and Allens work and licensed the software resulting in Gates and Allen forming the company Microsoft to develop software for other companies. Bill dropped out of Harvard to spend more time on the new business Influencing Factors:- Motivation He believes that if you are intelligent and know how to apply your intelligence, you can achieve anything. From childhood Bill was ambitious, intelligent and competitive. These qualities helped him to attain top position in the profession he chose. VISIONARY Microsofts vision is A computer on every desk and Microsoft software on every computer he will continue to stomp out the competition until he dies. Every business and household must have a computer and must run Microsoft software, was the basic guiding vision of Bill Gates. PASSION When as a student at the Harvard University, every single student would have wanted to be part of the great institute and graduate to be successful, Bill Gates decided to stop studying and pursue his dream of writing softwares for every computer in theworldHe was just passionate about software, coding and technology thatincidentally also made him the richest man in the world INNOVATION Gates and Allen were assisted by a staff of six, which included four programmers. In late 1977, Gates released a version of FORTRAN Technical Mind Bill Gates is born with a highly technical bent of mind. It is a gift of god to him. Microsoft has earned lots of success through this technical mind. He Had a Vision From day one, Gates dreamed of having a personal computer in every home, in every business and in every school. Throughout his career, he never once wavered from this dream. Focusing on software as the means to popularize the PC, Gates built his empire around this central vision and steered clear of all other distractions. And, the vision continues today.We are not even close to finishing the basic dream of what the PC can be, he says. He Had a Solid Team If we werent still hiring great people and pushing ahead at full speed, it would be easy to fall behind and become a mediocre company, says Gates. From Microsofts inception, Gates prioritized his team, bringing in only trusted friends to help him get the company started. As the company grew, he insisted that they hire only the most capable young minds and strove to create a small and creative environment for them to thrive in .Microsoft succeeded not only because of Gates, but also because of the strong team that stood behind him. He Took a Long-Term Approach In the decade ahead I can predict that we will provide over twice the productivity improvement that we provided in the 90s, said Gates. This bold statement captures Gates philosophy behind his entire business. Never one to chase after instant success or an immediate pay-off, Gates began coding software with a view to the next fifty years. He hasconstantly tried to keep his company at the forefront of new technologicaldevelopments by funding new research initiatives. Gates long-termapproach helped ensure Microsofts remarkable staying power. He Learned From Failure: In hindsight, Gates early failures seem so miniscule that they are almost laughable. But, as a struggling entrepreneur, he went through the same frustration, confusion and despair that others in his situation also face. What distinguishes Gates from the rest was his ability to rebound from his mistakes and take whatever lessons he could from them. He then became even more resolute and determined to see his vision realize. He Never Stopped Asking Questions I believe that through our natural inventiveness, creativity andwillingness to solve tough problems, were going to make some amazingachievements, said Gates speaking to the future possibilities for medicine, education and technology. When Gates faced a dilemma, he didnt stop and give up. He asked questions about what could be done tosolve the problem. From his business activities to his philanthropicefforts, Gates curiosity and desire to constantly be learning has been one of the key factors behind his success.If Id had some set idea of a finish line, dont you think I would have crossed it years ago? asks Gates. Showing no signs of slowing down, Gates continues to fuel his business, inspire his workers and make his contribution to the global village.At Microsoft, there are lots of brilliant ideas but the image is that the yell come from the top, says Gates. Im afraid thats not quite right.While Gates has be en the famous face of Microsoft for over thirty years, it took the help of numerous other trusted individuals to help realize the companys success. When Allen and Gates first met as students at Lakeside, they instantly formed a strong bond over their passion for computers. And, it was a bond that would last for the rest of their lives. Knowing each others strengths and weaknesses, interests and passions and having a strong sense of trust enabled these two entrepreneurs to form one of the most successful working relationships of the 20th century. Gates, recognizing the importance of a solid and trustworthy team, also brought on two former high school friends, Ric Weiland and MarcMcDonald, to be part of the core Microsoft group. Gates knew that if Microsoft was going to get its feet off the ground, it was going to take the hard work and sweat that he trusted few others to put in. From day one, he understood the importance of having a small team t hat could join together each persons enthusiasm around a common goal. When Gates moved the operation to Seattle in 1979, he had a staff of 16 people. As Microsoft grew, so too did the number of employees that thecompany required. Gates continued to bring in trusted friends of hiswhose characters he understood and who he knew he could trust,including his friend from college, Steve Ballmer, who was thereafter incharge of human resources. Steve and I were kind of driving the business and Paul and I were driving the technology, recalls Gates. Our success has really been based on partnerships from the very beginning.The move to Seattle proved to be a boon for Microsoft in that it enabled the company to have a much wider range of skilled candidates to choose from. In the world of software a lot of the brilliant ideas of Microsoft come from a broad set of great people weve been able to hir e, says Gates. In one particularly key move, Ballmer hired Charles Simonyi, one of the original founders of the Xerox Palo Alto research lab, whose knowledge about graphical interfaces made a significant contribution to Microsofts later graphical applications. As their number of staff began increasing into the thousands, thecompany typically focused on hiring people right out of school. Most of our developers, we decided that we wanted them to come with clear minds, not polluted by some other approach, to learn the way that we liked to develop software, and to put the kind of energy into it that we thought was key, recalls Gates. Microsoft continues to seek out only the best in order to help it stay ahead of its increasingly fierce competition. They key for us, number one, has always been hiring very smart people, says Gates. There is no way of getting around, that in terms of IQ, youve got to be very elitist in picking people wh o deserve to write software. Ninety-five percent of the people shouldnt write complex software. By hiring the best and the brightest and carrying out work in small teams that stimulate free and creative thinking, Microsoft has managed to retain its competitive edge for over three decades.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Pest Analysis of KfC Essay
1.0: introduction Kentucky fried chicken also knows as KFC, the world most large and well knows fast food restaurant that have more than 10 thousands locations worldwide in more than 80 countries. People from younger age to older age also know the slogan of KFC, which is â€Å"Finger lickin’ Good†, and the old man with white suits hand holding a black color crutch. Nowadays, we can see KFC in any shopping centre, or some popular location. We can get service or their product easily, it really convenient. I want to conduct a PEST analysis of this company. First I have to cover the history of KFC, and hat services and products that KFC provide. History of KFC KFC, Kentucky fried chicken is born at year 1950 at a remarkable pace from one road side restaurant into an internationally renowned restaurant chain. KFC is founded by Harland Sanders in Corbin, Kentucky. He was born on a small farm in Henryville, Indiana, America, in 1890. Sanders open his first restaurant in a small front room of a gas station in Corbin, Kentucky. He had names the dining area as â€Å"Sanders Court & Cafà ©.†In year 1936, Kentucky Governor Ruby Laffoon makes Sanders an honorary Kentucky Colonel in recognition of his recognition of his contributions to the state’s cuisine. Sanders also developed a unique, quick method of spicing and pressure – frying chicken. Finally, the business growth exceeded until he cannot handle, so he sold it to a group of people formed the Kentucky Fried chicken. In 1964 Sanders sold Kentucky Fried Chicken to an investor group headed by John Y. Brown, Jr. and Nashville financier John (Jack) Massey that Colonel Sanders still was Kentucky Fried Chicken Goodwill Ambassador for helping and giving suggestion. Sanders Colonel died in 1980 he was 90 year old. Although he is no longer with us, his philosophies of hard work and excellent service we provide to our customers will always be a part of KFC tradition. Products and services The main product of KFC of cause is the original fried chicken. After this, the spicy fried chicken is coming up next. Except of these products, KFC also provide many different kind of fast food. For example, salads, sides, big box meal, meal for kids, desserts, and much different type of plated meals. Now the latest product is twister, it helps KFC increase many profit. People can order depends on their wants. It really convenient for customers. KFC also provide much kind of services, such as 24 hour service, free delivery for some selected location, online ordering, outdoor catering, kid play areas, special dining facility for business customers and more. It can save customers time and costs. That why people like to have meal at KFC. 2.0 Company PEST PEST stands for political, economic, social, and technological. It is important for a business because it will influence the environmental impact of the business. Recognition is a useful way of pests, and looks forward to the external environment of commercial operation. The strategic that KFC use is demographic, the following factors are included in the demographical of the PEST of KFC. The first one is age, there is no age limit is focus by KFC, and they only target on every age of the society. But I think that KFC will target on younger more than the older. The second is household size, KFC will more target on a whole family members, that why KFC have provide many family packages meals. The next one is population. Population have played an important role in KFC. The light of population they can make their strategy. 2.0.1 Political factors Political is the first element of PEST, it will influence the business in many type of way. Political can make many advantages and opportunities for a business. For example, in government policies. KFC have to obey the policies of the government in the location they run their business although KFC is a foreign company. KFC have handled this policy very well and obey the policy of the government, in order to run this type of business in that particular location. The next policy is price policies. KFC maintain the price policy by the way of keeping in the view of income distribution of the people who living in the country. This is the reason why KFC had targeted all the classes. 2.0.2 Economic factors Economic is the second element of PEST, all the organization is affected by the national and global economic factors. The first one is income. Income is important factor for KFC; it is because incomes will decides which class KFC is going to target. In the early year of KFC, they only forces on the upper class. After few years, KFC start to introduce some meals that target on the middle and the upper level. The next economic factor is payment methods. KFC will do some research on what payment methods is convenient for their customers, then only check whether collect money in the form of cash or plastic money. 2.0.3 Social factors The third element of PEST is society. It concentrates forces on family, friends, neighbours, colleagues, and media. The first factor is social class. Social class divide into 3 classes, there are upper class, middle class, and lower class. As I say early, KFC had targeted all the classes to increase the profit of the company. The next two factors are culture and religion. Although the culture of KFC is different, but KFC also try to adopt the different culture from different location. For example, KFC had adopted the Pakistani cultures. KFC is not only adopting the culture, but also the religion also. KFC offer Halal food to the customers, this is mean that they accepted the Muslim religion. 2.0.4 Technological factors The last element of PEST is technological factors. This is the progress of technology has been greatly changed the way they do business. The first factor of technologic is pace of change. It is same meaning of rate of change. KFC had make a strategy, if they think is time to introduce the new technologic, they only will out the technologic. The next two factors are research and development, and capital formation. These two factors are important factors of technologic. KFC support the work of research and development in order to introduce the new technology. KFC also has a stock of machinery to run their business activities. 2.1 information of PEST PEST is use to identity external forces affecting the business. This is some example that shown the business’s political, economical, social and technological environment. To indentify the environment, the company have to compete in future, it have to understand the power ad shape variation. In the PEST analysis, it will consider every factor is involved in the entire business environment. There are some examples of PEST: Political Political factors influence organisations in many ways. Political factors can create advantages and opportunities for organisations. It had includes the legal and regulatory, elections, employment law, customer protection, environment regulations, taxes, political trend and more. Economical Economical factors included economic growth trends, consumer confidence index, government spending levels, exchange rates, taxation, disposable income, unemployment, tariffs, inflation, production levels and more. Social It included demographics, health, living standards, housing trends, fashion, lifestyle changes, diversity, immigration/emigration, attitudes to work, leisure activities, occupations, population shifts, trends, fads and earning capacity. Technological It included bio-tech, health, research, communications, inventions, internet, information technology, transportation, rates of obsolescence, manufacturing advances, genetics, waste removal/recycling, and so on. 3.0 The effect of PEST PEST will influence the company earn, there are some example of the effects of PEST factors that I want to shown below: The first element of PEST is political. Political is an important part of PEST, it will affect the price change of the company. For example, if government want to increase the taxes, business have to pay more taxes therefore, the price will increase. Just like alcoholic drink, the increase of the tax rate effect the markedly reduced. On another hand, employment law also play an important roles is political, it protect the benefit of employees, be fair to employees. The second element is economic. If the economic inflation is low, it will cause the company to cut cost and reduce the profit margins. It will affect the company hard to pass on to the consumer. Another effect is, the demand is buyout, the cost of capital is low, and it will attract investment and growth of the company of being profitable. Although a depressed economy will generally be a treat which results in a number of organizations going out of business, it can provide opportunities for some (Robinson and et al., 1978; Thompson, 2002). The third element is social. It affects the population health, lifestyle change and more. For example, social had forces KFC to change menus because of the health consciousness. The changing of the demographics will affect the company, for example, the chaining of the population of age, regions, numbers of working and more can influence the demand for the product or service. This is the affect of the social on PEST. The last element of PEST is technological. Technological will affect the energy use and the cost. For example, the company use machine to produce the product, it will save more energy and time compare to workers. Nowadays, technology is popular of organization a business. They use internet to promote their product, it had increase the convenient of people. New technology can increase the profit of company, but before use the technology, company have to send some employees to attend the training. 4.0 Conclusion The PEST analysis is important for every business. It is very important to have PEST control in all food company. A good PEST can helps us to avoid taking the wrong action from begin, it for the reasons beyond the control. PEST is important for start business on a new area or countries. It helps you to faster adapt to the realities of the new environment. The political, economic, social and technology stand for PEST. Use PEST headlines from the characteristics, agitate countries or regions, and draw conclusions important strength, change the scope of business. PEST is a useful tool for a business to control their economic and some policies of the country. With the analysis of pests, can see the horizon of the company, and the longer to clarify strategic opportunity and threat the organization’s face. Through the observation of the potential external environment, we can see the changes on the horizon, the enterprise imminent strategic planning process from the stage and the horizon in day of tomorrow. Not a set of strict pests ideas need to be classified into the compartment. This is the best one, can be used to fish for important facts. 5.0 References †¢ Wichudaa Hnoodaam (2009). Background KFC Corporation. [Online] Aug 7th 2009. Available from World Wide Web http://murasakibara-murasakibara.blogspot.com/2009/08/background-kfc-corporation.html. accessed: 12nd oct 2010 †¢ Tutor2u.com 2009. Strategy- introduction to PEST analysis. [Online] available from World Wide Web http://tutor2u.net/business/strategy/PEST_analysis.htm. accessed: 12nd oct 2010 †¢ Learn marketing.net 2009. Marketing environment- PEST analysis. [Online] available from World Wide Web http://www.learnmarketing.net/pestanalysis.htm. Accessed: 12nd oct 2010 †¢ Khawaja Naveed 2010. KFC marketing plan for Pakistan. [Online] available from World Wide Web http://www.scribd.com/doc/15657169/KFC-Marketing-Plan-for-Pakistan . accessed: 12nd oct 2010 †¢ Lucky ee 2008. KFC new product plan. [Online] available from World Wide Web http://www.scribd.com/doc/9259321/KFC-New-Product-Plan. accesses: 12nd oct 2010 †¢ A level of achievement business studi es A level resources 2004. PEST analysis. [online] http://www.ngfl-cymru.org.uk/vtc/bus_studs/members/downloads/PDF%20Output/PEST.pdf. accessed: 13rd Oct 2010 †¢ MindTools.com.1995-2010. PEST analysis. [online] http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newTMC_09.htm. accessed: 13rd Oct 2010
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Main Motives For The Invasion Of Iraq - 2018 Words
What were the main motives for the Invasion of Iraq in 2003? This project argues that there were many more complex reasons for Tony Blair’s 2003 invasion of Iraq, other than the war on terror, the need to find weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and to free the Iraqi people from the tyranny of Saddam Hussain as the government implied. Factors such as the vast amounts of crude oil that the coastal areas of the Persian Gulf contains (which includes a large part of Iraq’s coast) and the need to control future oil supplies was the overall determining factor on going to Iraq. There was also a need to stay allied with the US (which has been deeply ingrained in UK foreign policy since the Suez Crisis of 1956) and help secure US and in turn UK military presence in the middle east. Methodology Primarily, it would be imperative to establish the history of this conflict and exactly how it got to the point of war not only from Blair’s point of view but also from the other generally considered reasons, mainly Oil and the US. Secondary sources such as ‘Iraq between Occupations: Perspectives from 1920 to the Present’ (Zeidel, Baram and Rhode, 2010), ‘Britain and the Middle East in the 9/11 Era’ (Hollis, 2010) and ‘Blair’s Just War: Iraq and the Illusion of Morality’ (Lee, 2011) are examined. There are a few books that discuss the Anglo-American relationship, the best of which are; ‘Blair’s Britain 1997-2007’ (Seldon, 2007) and ‘The Special Relationship, A Political History of Anglo-AmericanShow MoreRelatedThis paper scrutinizes the use of propaganda and the consequential effects during the Iraq War. It1300 Words  | 6 PagesThis paper scrutinizes the use of propaganda and the consequential effects during the Iraq War. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Comparatives and Superlatives in Spanish
In English we often use the suffixes -er and -est to indicate that something is or has more or most of a quality. But Spanish takes a different approach. Spanish Comparatives Spanish uses the adverbs mà ¡s and menos before an adjective to indicate that something has more or less of a particular quality. Such phrases are known as comparatives. Mà ¡s also is often the equivalent of the English suffix -er when applied to adjectives. Some examples: Él es guapo. (He is handsome.)Él es menos guapo. (He is less handsome.)Él es mà ¡s guapo. (He is handsomer.)Ella es inteligente. (She is intelligent.)Ella es menos inteligente. (She is less intelligent.)Ella es mà ¡s inteligente. (She is more intelligent.) Such comparatives are explained more fully in the lesson on comparisons of inequality. Spanish Superlatives Superlatives are used to indicate that something has the most of a particular quality, as can be done with the English suffix -est. They are formed in Spanish much like above, except that the definite article is also used, as in these examples: Él es el mà ¡s guapo. (He is handsomest.)Él es el menos guapo. (He is the least handsome.)Ella es la mà ¡s inteligente. (She is the most intelligent.)Ella es la menos inteligente. (She is the least intelligent.) Plural definite articles can be used, as can the neuter article: Ellos son los mà ¡s guapos. (They are handsomest.)Ellas son las menos inteligentes. (They are the least intelligent.)Lo mà ¡s importante es amar. (The most important thing is to love.) The suffix -à ©simo or one of its variations is sometimes considered a type of superlative: Ella es altà sima. (She is extremely tall.)Él es guapà simo. (He is extremely handsome.) Irregular Forms of Comparatives and Superlatives The most common irregular comparatives and superlatives are those involving bueno (good) and malo (bad). The comparative and superlative forms are mejor and peor, respectively: Este coche es bueno. (This car is good.)Este coche es mejor. (This car is better.)Este coche es el mejor. (This car is best.)Esta casa es mala. (This house is bad.)Esta casa es peor. (This house is worse.)Esta casa es la peor. (This house is the worst.) The forms mayor and menor can also be used as irregular comparatives and superlatives when referring to age: Pablo es viejo. (Pablo is old.)Pablo es mayor que su hermano. (Pablo is older than his brother.)Pablo es el mayor de su familia. (Pablo is the oldest in his family.)Katrina es joven. (Katrina is young.)Katrina es menor que su hermana. (Katrina is younger than her sister.)Katrina es la menor de su familia. (Katrina is the youngest in her family.) Finally, pà ©simo is sometimes considered to be an alternate superlative of malo, and mà ¡ximo an alternate for grande. Sample Sentences Mi principal compromiso es mà ¡s pragmà ¡tico que ideolà ³gico. (My main promise is more pragmatic than ideological.) El lago de Saoseo es mà ¡s azul que el cielo. (Lake Saoseo is bluer than the sky.) La nià ±a cuya belleza le dio el tà tulo de la nià ±a mà ¡s bonita del mundo ha firmado un lucrativo contrato. (The girl whose beauty gave her the title of the prettiest girl in the world has signed a lucrative contract.) Son mà ¡s baratos en otras tiendas. (They are cheaper in other stores.) No hay personaje mà ¡s o menos à ºtil; todos tienen su propio rol en el juego. (There is no character more or less useful; all of them have their own roles in the game.) No creo que sea menos importante. (I dont believe its less important.) Este aà ±o serà ¡ el mejor aà ±o de la historia de la humanidad. (This year will be the best year in this history of humanity.) De todos los posibles escenarios, ese me parece el menos probable. (Of all the possible scenarios, that seems to me to be the least likely.) Esta decisià ³n es la mà ¡s difà cil de toda mi vida. (This decision is the most difficult one of my whole life.) Gracias, abuelos, por esta divertà sima maà ±ana que nos habà ©is regalado,  ¡sois los mejores! (Thanks, grandparents, for this most fun morning you have given us. Youre the best!) Considerada por todos como la peor pelà cula de ciencia ficcià ³n de la historia. (It is considered by everybody to be the worst science-fiction film in history.) Key Takeaways Spanish uses mà ¡s before an adjective to indicate that someone or someone has more of the adjectives quality.Spanish uses menos before an adjective to indicate that someone or someone has less of the adjectives quality.To indicate that something has the most or least of some quality, precede mà ¡s or menos with a definite article such as el or la.
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