Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Comparatives and Superlatives in Spanish
In English we often use the suffixes -er and -est to indicate that something is or has more or most of a quality. But Spanish takes a different approach. Spanish Comparatives Spanish uses the adverbs mà ¡s and menos before an adjective to indicate that something has more or less of a particular quality. Such phrases are known as comparatives. Mà ¡s also is often the equivalent of the English suffix -er when applied to adjectives. Some examples: Él es guapo. (He is handsome.)Él es menos guapo. (He is less handsome.)Él es mà ¡s guapo. (He is handsomer.)Ella es inteligente. (She is intelligent.)Ella es menos inteligente. (She is less intelligent.)Ella es mà ¡s inteligente. (She is more intelligent.) Such comparatives are explained more fully in the lesson on comparisons of inequality. Spanish Superlatives Superlatives are used to indicate that something has the most of a particular quality, as can be done with the English suffix -est. They are formed in Spanish much like above, except that the definite article is also used, as in these examples: Él es el mà ¡s guapo. (He is handsomest.)Él es el menos guapo. (He is the least handsome.)Ella es la mà ¡s inteligente. (She is the most intelligent.)Ella es la menos inteligente. (She is the least intelligent.) Plural definite articles can be used, as can the neuter article: Ellos son los mà ¡s guapos. (They are handsomest.)Ellas son las menos inteligentes. (They are the least intelligent.)Lo mà ¡s importante es amar. (The most important thing is to love.) The suffix -à ©simo or one of its variations is sometimes considered a type of superlative: Ella es altà sima. (She is extremely tall.)Él es guapà simo. (He is extremely handsome.) Irregular Forms of Comparatives and Superlatives The most common irregular comparatives and superlatives are those involving bueno (good) and malo (bad). The comparative and superlative forms are mejor and peor, respectively: Este coche es bueno. (This car is good.)Este coche es mejor. (This car is better.)Este coche es el mejor. (This car is best.)Esta casa es mala. (This house is bad.)Esta casa es peor. (This house is worse.)Esta casa es la peor. (This house is the worst.) The forms mayor and menor can also be used as irregular comparatives and superlatives when referring to age: Pablo es viejo. (Pablo is old.)Pablo es mayor que su hermano. (Pablo is older than his brother.)Pablo es el mayor de su familia. (Pablo is the oldest in his family.)Katrina es joven. (Katrina is young.)Katrina es menor que su hermana. (Katrina is younger than her sister.)Katrina es la menor de su familia. (Katrina is the youngest in her family.) Finally, pà ©simo is sometimes considered to be an alternate superlative of malo, and mà ¡ximo an alternate for grande. Sample Sentences Mi principal compromiso es mà ¡s pragmà ¡tico que ideolà ³gico. (My main promise is more pragmatic than ideological.) El lago de Saoseo es mà ¡s azul que el cielo. (Lake Saoseo is bluer than the sky.) La nià ±a cuya belleza le dio el tà tulo de la nià ±a mà ¡s bonita del mundo ha firmado un lucrativo contrato. (The girl whose beauty gave her the title of the prettiest girl in the world has signed a lucrative contract.) Son mà ¡s baratos en otras tiendas. (They are cheaper in other stores.) No hay personaje mà ¡s o menos à ºtil; todos tienen su propio rol en el juego. (There is no character more or less useful; all of them have their own roles in the game.) No creo que sea menos importante. (I dont believe its less important.) Este aà ±o serà ¡ el mejor aà ±o de la historia de la humanidad. (This year will be the best year in this history of humanity.) De todos los posibles escenarios, ese me parece el menos probable. (Of all the possible scenarios, that seems to me to be the least likely.) Esta decisià ³n es la mà ¡s difà cil de toda mi vida. (This decision is the most difficult one of my whole life.) Gracias, abuelos, por esta divertà sima maà ±ana que nos habà ©is regalado,  ¡sois los mejores! (Thanks, grandparents, for this most fun morning you have given us. Youre the best!) Considerada por todos como la peor pelà cula de ciencia ficcià ³n de la historia. (It is considered by everybody to be the worst science-fiction film in history.) Key Takeaways Spanish uses mà ¡s before an adjective to indicate that someone or someone has more of the adjectives quality.Spanish uses menos before an adjective to indicate that someone or someone has less of the adjectives quality.To indicate that something has the most or least of some quality, precede mà ¡s or menos with a definite article such as el or la.
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